
Repaupo Fire Museum

About our Repaupo Fire Museum
Admission to our Repaupo Fire Museum is free. Our Repaupo Fire Museum is open for members of the public to view antique fire and emergency apparatus, equipment and other artifacts. CLAFAA members continually participate in work sessions involving a variety of restoration, repair and maintenance projects. Visitors will also be able to view the projects in progress. Scheduled work sessions are posted on this website’s CLAFAA Calendar. Since the Repaupo Fire Museum was dedicated in May of 2016, apparatus and many historical artifacts have been donated for display. The members of the Cradle of Liberty Antique Fire Apparatus Association appreciate your support of our Repaupo Fire Museum and our efforts to preserve the history of the fire and emergency services.

How our Repaupo Fire Museum came into existence:
On May 10, 2014, the Repaupo Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company #1’s firehouse was decommissioned. In November, 2014, a group of CLAFAA members met with representatives of the fire company to discuss the future of the firehouse and its property. CLAFAA representatives were told that the Repaupo members would like to donate the firehouse, its property and Repaupo’s 1968 Chevrolet Brush truck to CLAFAA. On March 8, 2015, CLAFAA held a special meeting at the Repaupo firehouse. President Keith Kemery gave a report outlining Repaupo;s proposed donation of the firehouse, property and fire truck to CLAFAA. A question and answer period was held and the membership discussed the proposal at length. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to move forward with CLAFAA’s acquisition of the firehouse, property and fire truck.

On June 25, 2015 representatives of CLAFAA and the Repaupo Fire and Rescue Company #1 met and signed the agreement to transfer ownership of the firehouse and brush truck from Repaupo to CLAFAA for $1.00 each. In July of 2015 CLAFAA obtained insurance for the property. Rules and regulations were also developed and adopted for CLAFAA members to store and display antique apparatus within the large apparatus room of the building. The first apparatus was housed on or about July 12, 2015 and the recently disbanded Delaware Gardens Fire Company of Pennsauken, New Jersey donated memorabilia to be preserved and displayed within the Repaupo Fire Museum.

On August 3, 2015, the 1974 Seagrave Tractor Drawn Aerial used for the movie “LADDER 49” was housed at the Repaupo Fire Museum. Several grounds cleanup work details were also held at the firehouse in August, 2015.

On October 4, 2015 CLAFAA held its first regular membership meeting at the Repaupo Fire Museum with 34 members attending. A museum committee was formed and the committee met for the first time on October 11, 2015. Initial plans for the original apparatus room and second floor were discussed during the inaugural Museum Committee meeting. Several work details were also held on the museum premises during the month of October, 2015.

On Thursday, October 29 2015, a signed and executed Bargain and Sale Agreement for the property at 7 Repaupo Station Road was delivered to the offices of the Gloucester County Clerk and the Logan Township Assessor. A copy of the document was delivered to the Gloucester County Assessor’s Office on Friday October 30, 2015. CLAFAA NOW OWNED THE FIRE MUSEUM.

In November, 2015, CLAFAA members began regular work details to transform the former Repaupo Fire and Rescue Company #1 firehouse into the Cradle of Liberty Antique Fire Apparatus Association’s Repaupo Fire Museum.

On Sunday, May 22, 2016, we celebrated the dedication of the Repaupo Fire Museum with a parade and muster. The event was well attended by supporters, private apparatus owners and numerous fire and emergency service organizations.

Since its dedication, much of the activity at our Repaupo Fire Museum parallels when Reapupo was an active firehouse. Our CLAFAA Crew members regularly hold Saturday morning work sessions to maintain the apparatus, equipment, building and grounds in addition to developing new displays for visitors to see. Artifacts and memorabilia continue to be donated and are greatly appreciated as we continually strive to make our Repaupo Fire Museum the best that it can be.